Why did my YouTube Short stop getting views?

Why did my YouTube Short stop getting views?

Jenny Ho
September 23, 2024
13min read

You’ve posted 200 Shorts, but your videos are still stuck at 16 views. Meanwhile, other channels with simple videos are getting tons of likes, comments, and shares. Heck!!!

You start copying their style—ideas, scripts, and editing—but still… no views! Is your content shadow banned? Not engaging enough? Or maybe you’re just not posting at the right time? Using horizontal videos instead of vertical ones can also impact your views, as the wrong format can result in reduced engagement due to unsightly black spaces and unclear visuals. When I first started, I couldn’t even get 100 views. I kept pushing—editing harder, uploading daily, trying every tip and trick from tutorials, but nothing changed. Vertical videos are crucial for YouTube Shorts as they align with the platform's design and enhance the viewer experience. After a couple of years of testing, learning, failing, and trying again, I finally figured out why my YouTube Shorts stopped getting views.

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What are YouTube Shorts?

YouTube Shorts are a game-changer in the world of video content. Launched in September 2020 in India and March 2021 in the US, this feature allows users to post vertically oriented videos that are up to 60 seconds long. Think of them as YouTube’s answer to TikTok and Instagram Reels, but with a unique twist.

Creating content for YouTube Shorts is all about quick, engaging, and easily digestible videos. Whether you’re sharing a funny moment, a quick tutorial, or a snippet of your day, Shorts are designed to capture attention fast. According to Google, YouTube Shorts have skyrocketed in popularity, reaching a global daily viewership of 50 billion in 2023. That’s a massive audience waiting to discover your content!

So, if you’re already creating content for other social media platforms, adding YouTube Shorts to your strategy can help you tap into this growing trend and reach a wider audience.

Read more about "Do AI Generated videos get monetized on YouTube?" on our blog.

How YouTube Shorts Differ from YouTube Videos

YouTube Shorts and traditional YouTube videos might share the same platform, but they cater to different viewing habits and content styles. Here’s how they differ:

  1. Duration: YouTube Shorts are capped at 60 seconds, making them perfect for quick, impactful messages. In contrast, traditional YouTube videos can be as long as 12 hours, allowing for in-depth content and storytelling.
  2. Orientation: Shorts are vertically oriented, optimized for mobile viewing. This format is ideal for capturing spontaneous moments and engaging viewers on the go. Traditional YouTube videos, on the other hand, are typically horizontal, providing a more cinematic experience.
  3. Consumption Style: Viewers often watch Shorts in rapid succession, creating a continuous stream of content. This binge-watching behavior is different from the more deliberate viewing of longer YouTube videos, where viewers might sit down to watch a single video or a playlist.

Understanding these differences can help you tailor your content strategy to maximize the potential of both formats. Whether you’re creating YouTube Shorts or longer videos, each has its own unique strengths and can help you connect with your audience in different ways.

Understand the YouTube Shorts Algorithm and YouTube Algorithm

According to VidIQ, YouTube Shorts go through two key stages: explore and exploit.
In the explore stage, YouTube tests how your video performs. They push it to a small, random group—called the seed audience—to see how it does. Todd Sherman from YouTube explains this is where the algorithm asks, "Can this video grab attention? Does it keep viewers engaged?"

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But here’s the thing: the seed audience might not be your ideal viewers. Especially for small channels, the algorithm doesn’t know who likes your content, so it needs time to figure out your target audience. It tosses your video to random viewers to see what sticks. This process helps minimize regret and boost engagement, Todd Sherman explains.

So, what happens if your seed audience likes your content? If YouTube’s algorithm finds a match, you’ve hit the jackpot! That’s when you move to the next phase—exploit—where your Shorts get pushed to a larger audience (VidIQ).

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But if that initial seed audience doesn’t engage—no likes, no comments, no shares—it’s game over. Your Short won’t get the momentum it needs to take off, and you’ll see a sudden drop in views (Lene Ritchie).

Ugh... it’s brutal. I’ve been there, staring at my screen, refreshing like crazy, wondering why my video wasn’t getting any views.

But, here are the 4 steps you need to follow to make your Shorts go viral:

Steps to Make Your YouTube Shorts Successful

Implement these steps every day to start getting more views.

While views are the traditional success metric for long-form content, the success of YouTube Shorts is measured differently, emphasizing swipeaways and content saturation. Creators often face challenges transitioning from long-form videos to the quick and engaging nature required for Shorts.

Additionally, a well-crafted video description is crucial in driving engagement. Collaborations with influencers can be particularly effective, as they can link your channel or videos in their video descriptions, thereby reaching a wider audience and creating an opportunity for increased views and subscriptions.

1. Know Your Target Audience Inside and Out

If you want your Shorts to get more views, they need to deliver a message that your target audience understands and resonates with.

Having only a few videos can limit your ability to understand your audience and gain traction.

90% of the best-performing content is created for specific audiences. According to Statista, audience-specific content significantly boosts engagement, proving that understanding your audience is key to success.

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But first, you need to know exactly who you’re talking to (a teenager looking for entertainment, a professional seeking skill hacks, or a mom searching for easy cooking recipes), what problems you’re solving for them (whether it’s about wealth, health, relationships, or career), and what benefits they’ll get from watching your Shorts.

Benefits usually fall under four main categories: inspiration, education, relatability, and entertainment—these are the top reasons people go online.

Start by asking yourself:

  • Will these Shorts idea make my audience feel happier or help them avoid pain?
  • Will these Shorts teach my audience one tip they can use right away to earn money or save time?
  • Will these Shorts make my audience feel understood enough to comment, "Ah, so do I!”?
  • Will these Shorts make my audience laugh and forget their worries for a while?

So now, collect all the information and make it in a simple sentence as a slogan and the main focus of all of your Shorts:

For example:

I’m a content creator who creates educational content about how to earn money online. My goal is to help young people, ages 16 to 30, earn $10,000 a month in passive income through simple, actionable steps.

Ok good.

Now, here’s your format, so you just need to fill it in.

I’m a... (business owner, service provider, marketer, etc.) who creates... (educational, inspirational, relatable, and entertaining) content about... (fill in the topics of your Shorts). My goal is to help... (specify who you want to help, which gender, location, language, job, income) to achieve (what the goals of your audience you want to help them to achieve) by... (fill in your solution).

Here’s an additional example to make it easier for you to follow:

I’m a business owner who creates educational, inspirational, relatable, and entertaining content about improving conversational English. My goal is to help non-native English speakers, especially students and professionals worldwide improve their fluency and confidence in everyday conversations by simplifying complex sentences and making their language sound more natural.

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Now that you know the purpose of your content, your target audience, and the type of content you want to create, it’s time to tailor everything—text, visuals, and editing—to match what your audience loves to watch.

When I first started, I thought I knew my audience. Spoiler alert: I didn’t. I was creating content based on what I liked, not what they wanted.

For instance, my target audience just wants to learn how to create viral content, but I was posting videos about my life, travels, opinions, and my relationship with my husband. Mehhhh! A few people watched, but most were haters who didn’t get what I was talking about.

After months of failure, I realized I needed to change. I let go of my ego and focused on what my audience wanted.

I made videos on how to go viral on YouTube, and one of them hit 40K views within two days. I received tons of comments and shares, and I even got monetized shortly after.

Here’s what I learned: You have to separate making content for yourself from making it for your audience.

When you focus on your audience:

  • Your content is more likely to appear in their search results because they’re actively looking for it.
  • You use the exact language they use in their daily lives, like you’ve got a camera in their house—even their bedroom.
  • You share struggle or success stories that touch their emotions, like you’re their best friend, the only one who truly understands them.

When you tap into the pain points of your target audience and connect with them on a deeper level, your Shorts will start gaining traction.

You can also learn more about "Best AI Marketing tools for SMEs" in Zebracat's blog.

2. Consistency is Key

Aim to post 1 to 3 Shorts a day. The more you post, the better your chances of the algorithm pushing your content to a bigger audience.

I used to post only when I had content, hoping YouTube would reward my effort, but it didn’t work. Once I stuck to a schedule—posting at the same time each day, every single day a week—my Shorts’ views started to grow. Consistency not only helps with the algorithm but also improves your video's performance by keeping your audience engaged and coming back for more.

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But what if you don’t have time to make content every day? If you have a 9-5 job, it’s hard to balance both. Some days, you’re just too tired. Other days, you’re not motivated or can’t focus. Creating content daily without burning out can feel impossible.

But I found a solution: Zebracat, an AI text-to-video tool. It helps you turn your ideas into complete videos with scripts, captions, sound effects, and background music. You don’t have to make the videos yourself anymore.

Zebracat is an AI-powered video generator. You don’t need to learn complicated editing software, master tricky techniques, or spend years practicing video editing. Zebracat works like a professional editor. When you think of viral YouTube videos, you might assume the creator is a skilled editor or hired a freelancer. Now, Zebracat is the perfect alternative. It’s much cheaper and faster than hiring freelancers or learning editing yourself. No steep learning curve—you just need to type in a simple idea.

So, what do you want to create?

Just type in whatever’s on your mind right here!

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How It Works:

It’s as simple as it sounds. Text-to-video. First, you need some text—any text. You don’t need a 200-word script, just a 6 to 10-word title or idea like, “3 reasons why your Shorts aren’t getting views.” Type or paste that into the prompt, then choose ratio 9:16 for Short, choose a human-sounding voiceover, and choose a visual style. You’re ready to go.

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Just give it a try—it’s free!

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After creating videos, you can easily change anything—upload your own footage, tweak the script, switch the voiceover, language, or adjust captions to really make it pop.

Zebracat’s video quality is so sleek that you won’t even need an expensive camera to film. In short, you don’t have to deal with video editing at all—just throw it to Zebracat and let it cook. All you need to do is focus on the strategy, schedule the video, come up with ideas, and even write the script if you think yours is better than Zebracat’s.

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Video editors report that projects can take anywhere from hours to days to finalize, depending on the complexity. Professional editors often spend several hours on just a few minutes of footage (Vidpros).

Even video editors spend hours editing one video, so how can you spend less time making engaging content without help from a freelancer or an AI tool?

A freelancer is expensive and slow. But an AI tool like Zebracat?

  • Fast!
  • Cheap!
  • Available 24/7!

Ten years ago, I struggled to create videos every day for my social media. If I’d had a powerful tool like Zebracat back then, I could’ve been the next Mr. Beast by now. So, if you want your Shorts to start gaining massive views, it’s time to test out Zebracat.


  • Prompt to video
  • URL to video
  • Script to video
  • Audio to video

With these 4 features, Zebracat’s got you covered for any scenario.

You don’t have any idea, script to create? Fine!

Grab any random blog post link you want to steal content from and paste it in Zebracat.

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Now, just follow the steps I listed above. After all those steps, Zebracat will provide you with 3 viral script options to choose from. You don’t have to pick just one—you can combine, edit, cut, add more, or even use another free tool like ChatGPT to tweak it until you’re happy.

Once you’ve tweaked the script to your liking, hit “generate,” and Zebracat will pull everything together—images, effects, video clips, and music—into a ready-to-post video in just seconds.

You don’t need to be a video editor or hire one to edit videos for you. Zebracat is your must-have video editor.

Want to make sure I’m telling the truth? Hell yeah! Here’s the proof:

Zebracat was voted the #1 product of the day by many marketers, content creators, and business owners.

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Use Case: Perfect for content creators, marketers, and business owners who want to create viral content but don’t have the budget to hire a freelance video editor or the time to do it themselves.

But remember, now everyone can use Zebracat to create content for themselves, so what sets you apart is focusing on planning your content, choosing viral topics, and figuring out how to promote it or make it SEO-friendly to attract more views.

You’ll also need to add your personal touch after Zebracat generates the video—like picking the right music or tweaking the script a bit—so it feels like you created it, not just the AI.

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85% of your audience craves more video. They don't want to read—they want to watch, feel, and engage. In just 60 seconds, Zebracat transforms your text into fully edited videos that get your audience hooked. No editing skills required!
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3. Hook 'Em Fast to Gain Traction, or Lose 'Em Forever

80% of viewers will abandon a video if it doesn’t capture their interest in the first few seconds, making the initial hook the most decisive factor in engagement​ (Edit Video Doc). Embedding YouTube content on other platforms can help capture attention and drive more views.

There are different types of hooks. You can use a visual hook (like camera angles, moving video effects, a sudden object appearance, or something strange that grabs attention), a verbal hook (something you say out loud, like a sentence, a shout, or a word that hits your audience hard), or even text on the screen to give your audience context.

Samadsmett, a content creator with 77.2K followers on Instagram from just 157 posts, teaches you tons of camera and visual hooks to help you get more views for your Shorts.

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You can also create a hook by teasing a key moment in your video. According to Social Video Plaza, videos that tease a glimpse of the ending or a dramatic moment in the first few seconds retain 40% more viewers compared to those with slower starts.

And if you don’t know how to set up your background and film like Samadsmett, you can use Zebracat to create the entire video for you, starting with a scroll-stopping hook. These AI-generated videos often get hundreds or even millions of views with just simple AI-generated visuals.

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With Zebracat, you can create videos with a strong hook, tension, and voiceovers that are just as good—if not better—than videos from the Wisdom in Folklore channel.

If you’re struggling to get your first 1 million views on your channel, try Zebracat for free now!

4. Patience Pays Off (No, Really!)

If a Short doesn’t perform, don’t give up just yet. With Zebracat, you can tweak the script anytime and recreate as many videos as you need until you hit the jackpot. No need to work harder for more views—just focus on the hook, improve the script, and let Zebracat handle the visually engaging videos for you.

The algorithm is always testing viewer satisfaction, and sometimes, a tiny tweak can turn a flop into a hit. But not everyone has the patience or consistency to keep going. Heck, I wasn’t either. I quit after 6 months of starting my YouTube channel. The grind was relentless, and I just couldn’t keep up. I poured my heart into video after video, only to see my views barely move—slow, frustrating, and exhausting. It drained my time and messed with my mental health.

Then I found “The Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide to YouTube Automation (2024)” and everything changed. I didn’t have to kill myself with the daily grind anymore. I automated the whole video content creation process! My Shorts started gaining exponential views, bringing in income without me having to slave away every day. Who wouldn’t want to go viral  without working so hard?

Why does using Zebracat and automation help my Shorts get more views?

  • Create visually engaging videos: I’m not great at video editing, so using Zebracat helps me avoid my weakness. All I do is type my idea, click a few buttons, and boom—I’ve got an engaging video ready to post on YouTube Shorts.
  • Stay consistent: One reason my Shorts—and maybe yours—weren’t getting views is because I wasn’t posting consistently. Finding the time to research, create ideas, script, film, and edit is tough. Zebracat and other AI tools allow me to upload content every day with consistent quality.
  • Test more, improve more: With Zebracat, I can easily tweak the script and rework videos until they start gaining views. Since Zebracat handles the video creation, I only need to focus on the script and strategy. No need to hire freelancers—just Zebracat.

Optimizing Your YouTube Shorts for Success

To make your YouTube Shorts stand out and gain traction, you need to optimize them for success. Here’s how:

  1. Create High-Quality Content: Quality matters, even in short videos. Ensure your videos are visually appealing, well-edited, and have clear audio. Use tools like Zebracat to enhance your video quality without spending hours on editing.
  2. Use Relevant Hashtags: Hashtags help categorize your content and make it discoverable. Use relevant hashtags that align with your video’s theme and target audience. This can increase your chances of appearing in the Shorts feed and reaching more viewers.
  3. Leverage Analytics: YouTube provides a range of analytics tools to track your Shorts’ performance. Monitor metrics like views, engagement, and audience retention to understand what works and what doesn’t. Use these insights to refine your strategy and create more engaging content.

By focusing on these key areas, you can optimize your YouTube Shorts and increase your chances of going viral.

Using Analytics to Track Your Performance

Analytics are your best friend when it comes to understanding your YouTube Shorts’ performance. YouTube offers a suite of analytics tools that provide valuable insights into how your content is doing.

Track metrics such as views, likes, comments, and shares to gauge overall engagement. Pay close attention to audience retention rates to see how long viewers are sticking around. If you notice a drop-off at a certain point, it might be a sign to tweak your content or hook.

By regularly reviewing these metrics, you can identify patterns and trends, allowing you to adjust your strategy and improve your Shorts’ performance. Remember, the YouTube algorithm favors content that keeps viewers engaged, so use these insights to create more compelling videos.

Cross-Posting to Different Platforms

Cross-posting your YouTube Shorts to other social media platforms is a smart way to expand your reach and drive more traffic to your YouTube channel. Share your Shorts on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to tap into different audiences and increase your visibility.

Embedding your YouTube Shorts on your website or blog can also boost views and engagement. This not only helps you reach a wider audience but also strengthens your overall online presence.

By leveraging multiple platforms, you can maximize the impact of your YouTube Shorts and grow your channel more effectively.


But going viral isn’t easy. Even big channels took time—Mr. Beast didn’t go viral on his first try. So don’t give up too soon! Try different methods until you find what works best for you.

With Zebracat, creating viral content becomes easier. It helps you make high-quality videos quickly, giving you more chances to blow up your views.

As Albert Einstein said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” 

If you’re stuck with low views, here’s a challenge for you:

Open Zebracat, create your best video for Shorts, upload it, and keep going for 3 months. See how it helps your Shorts go viral.

Start now!

Meet The Author
Content & Marketing Specialist

Hey there, I’m Jenny. I’ve been in marketing for almost 10 years and I love marketing tech, AI, and automation. I’ve built several YouTube and TikTok channels—some hits, some misses. I joined Zebracat after being a user myself, ready to share my learnings with the world!


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